Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hamster Home of the Week: MilkyFactory

Posted by Unknown at 7:33 AM
     Thanks to my new membership in the forums at, I am meeting lots of new friends and seeing many cool, different things that I would like my owner to use in our adventures!

     This morning, we came upon an awesome cage decoration that I just knew had to be featured as the Hamster Home of the Week. This "habitat" belongs to our cool friend, MilkyFactory, and her three Syrian hamsters.


[Princess: What are their name's again?]


Oh yes, my owner tells me their name's are Erin, Kodiak, and Neu. *ahem* (but only one lives in here at a time)
Okay, now onto the cage!

Here is a closer look at the inside:
As you can see, this cage has a total of FIVE different environments! *@3@* 
How Neat!
Here is the exercise room, with a padded dried moss floor for extra protection.
This room if proceeded by a coconut shavings floor environment, to make her hammies feel like they're really in the wild jungle...
Then a sandbar room, for cleaning up, using the bathroom, and getting CRAYZEEE!
and lastly, a wood shaving (hemp) bedded loft/sleeping area for resting, burrowing, and sleeping.
How FUN!
To see how she created this hamster sanctuary, please visit the thread yourself at this link:
Also, please support my friend in her photography endeavors. She takes pictures of ALL KINDS of pets, wildlife, and cute japanese ball jointed dolls.

Thanks for reading :3
Oh, and as an added bonus, there is a video of her Hammy playing in this glorious hamster home!


Thomas Anderson said...

Nice blog! Followed!

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